
  • Plamen Iliev New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria


controlling, crisis, management, economy, control


Controlling, as a modern concept of management, has become particularly relevant after more than 130
years since its origin. In recent years, with the growth and development of the financial and economic crisis of 2008-
2009, business in Bulgaria and throughout the world was placed in an unpredictable and uncontrollable
environment. And if it was the prelude, a few years after its beginning we can assume that it has been overcome to a
large extent, humanity entered a new and probably greater financial and economic crisis in 2020, as a result of the
global contagion of the coronavirus, about which no one can predict its duration, when it will end and at what cost.
Unfortunately, before the recovery from it begins, we are faced with a new and greater danger of a serious crisis
caused by the war in Ukraine for the past two or three months. The feeling of it becomes more and more serious
with the increase in the prices of basic energy carriers, suspension of their supplies, various bans, etc.
In this environment, largely independent of us, the opportunities to reduce costs, increase the efficiency of labor and
investment, and a real attempt to get out of the emerging crises, is the introduction and implementation of a new and
modern management system to monitor the financial indicators of the enterprises, to plan, analyze and coordinate, as
well as to carry out controlling of the activity. Controlling is among the most modern and contemporary trends in the
development of theory and practice regarding the management and provision of financial and economic activities at
the micro level, and why not at the macro level and in the public sector.


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https://www. (2022)




How to Cite

Iliev, P. (2022). CONTROLLING AND ECONOMIC CRISES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(6), 1145–1150. Retrieved from