
  • Fjolla Ejupi South East European University, North Macedonia


sexual abuse, penal act, comparative descriptive analysis


The phenomenon of the sexual abuse is present in all the regions of the world, regardless of the country’s
development, as well as the age, race and gender of the abusers. Furthermore, as a penal act itself, can be explained
as an act of force or attempt used for obtaining sexual act, without the willingness or against the victim. As such,
there are numerous scholars, NGOs, policy makers that have been dealing with this phenomenon and the factors that
can influence such sexual abuse acts.
Thus, having into consideration the importance of the treatment of the sexual abuse acts as well as determining the
factors by which can be influenced, main objective of this paper is to investigate the sexual abuse acts that have
happened in the region of Gostivar, North Macedonia, for the time spin 2014 – 2018. In addition to such empirical
findings from the descriptive analysis, this paper tries to give a comprehensive regional comparison of the region of
Gostivar, by analyzing the differentiation of the verdicts of the Appeal Court of Gostivar with regard to the penal
acts of the sexual abuse in the region of Gostivar, for the analyzed period 2014 - 2018.


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How to Cite

Ejupi, F. (2022). EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SEXUAL ABUSE AS A PENAL ACT: EVIDENCE FROM THE REGION OF GOSTIVAR. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(6), 1211–1215. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5849