
  • Borislav Radoslavov Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria


Genes, crowds, selfishness, manipulation, self-destruction


There are invisible powers, the so-called "father of manipulation" Edward Bernays says, who control the
destinies of millions. The researcher proves right a century later that it is not always realized to what extent the
words and actions of the most influential public figures are dictated by clever individuals operating behind the
scenes. Nor - and this is even more important - the extent to which our thoughts and habits are modified by
authority. And that invisible governance is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few at the enormous expense
required both of manipulating the social machine, managing the opinions and habits of the masses, and creating
public and media images.
In order to gain a deeper insight into this art of changing the attitudes and actions of human beings, to the point of
successful manipulation and the achievement of desired results, it is essential to give deeper attention to an
extremely important question - that of the human gene and the wisdom of crowds.
The British humanist and evolutionist Richard Dawkins maintains that the dominant quality to be expected from a
successful gene is ruthless selfishness. And since we are born selfish and life in human society is based on the gene
law of universal ruthless selfishness, it follows that it will be very difficult for us to learn nobility and altruism from
now on.
Dawkins' view of the nature of human beings as survival devices - robots programmed to store selfish molecules
called genes - is also supported by Matt Ridley. No one has guessed, says the Oxford Ph.D. British scientist, that
when we read the code of life, we will find that it is full of examples of parasitical selfish exploitation.
In a similar context is Malcolm Gladwell's understanding of the development and improvement of the human race
and community. Every giant leap in a field, says the geneticist, is also a giant leap in humanity's ability to destroy
itself. In this sense, the author adds, with the development of technology, the scales and the catastrophic side of the
coin grow exponentially. This leads to a fetishization of the notion of progress even when it makes no real difference
to people.
The subject of the article is the scientific view of genes and crowds in the context of their self-destructive action.
The subject of the present work is the domino of consequences outlining the end result of human visible and
invisible actions and inactions. The purpose of the publication is to analyze and highlight the features and specifics
of human nature based on the latest scientific achievements with an emphasis on the use of knowledge for the
sustainable development of societies in the conditions of increasingly frequent and unforeseen critical circumstances
and emergency situations.


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How to Cite

Radoslavov, B. (2022). GENES AND CROWDS - THE FORECASTED ROAD TO “SELFISH SELF-DESTROY”. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(6), 1229–1234. Retrieved from