
  • Marianna Hudcovičová The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Arts, Slovakia


mathematical terminology, English terminology work, term formation, term, suffix


Subject of study are term formation tendencies in mathematics in the English language. The field of terms
that undergo analysis will be terms representing the class of simple nouns. One word nouns are examined.
Compound nouns of different patterns are not included into research. Terminology documents the knowledge of
various subject fields, the research focuses only on mathematics. According to term formation processes, the
following suffixes representing bound morphemes are analysed: -ic, -ics, -ion, -ity, -ment, -ant, -er and -or. Terms
are analysed according to principles for term formation. The following principles should be followed in the
formation of terms and appellations, as far as possible and as appropriate to the language: transparency; ⎯
consistency; ⎯ appropriateness, linguistic economy; ⎯ derivability and compoundability; ⎯ linguistic correctness; ⎯
preference for native language. The last feature is very interesting because the terminology in mathematics is
predominantly borrowed from the Greek and Latin language. In the selected terms on mathematics the origin will be
identified and compared. Findings of the origins will be compared with the general postulation of terms originating
in the Greek and Latin language. Even though borrowing from other languages is an accepted form of term
formation, native-language expressions should be given preference over direct loans. Technically, appellations are
not translated but remain in their original language. However, an individual concept may have an appellation in
different languages. Whether an individual concept has an appellation in more than one language depends on the
following: ⎯ the language policy of a country; ⎯ how internationally well known the concept is; ⎯ the multilingual
nature of the entity in question; ⎯ the need for international cooperation and relations. Sample of suffixes are
selected according to the frequency of noun suffixes, only the the most frequent ones are selected. Subject of
analysis are terms in the texts on mathematics of scientific style. Data are collected from the Slovak National Corpus
10.0, i.e. English –Slovak Parallel Corpus 4.0 en. Only English part of the corpus is taken into consideration, the
Slovak part does not represent subject of analysis. The methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis are applied.
Furthermore, the statistical value ARF (average rate frequency) is taken into consideration. It is a statistical tool
representing the average occurrence of words in the corpus.


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How to Cite

Hudcovičová, M. (2022). TERM FORMATION TENDENCIES OF SIMPLE NOUNS IN MATHEMATICS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(3), 475–479. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5855