
  • Biljana Spirkoska Vangelovska University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Medical Faculty Skopje, Institute of Physiology, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Beti Dejanova University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Medical Faculty Skopje, Institute of Physiology, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Ana Spirkoska Mangarovska University clinical center Ljubljana, Medical Faculty , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


oxidative stress, free radicals, antioxidants, physical activity


An imbalance between production of oxygen reactive species and antioxidants is defined as oxidative
stress. As a result we have cell and tissue damage. Several authors pointed out that oxidative stress could be
responsible for several pathological conditions, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.It is also involved in the
aging process. It is true that the body's cells produce free radicals during normal metabolic processes and intense
physical activity causes oxidative stress. Free radicals produced during exercise are important modulators of muscle
and systemic adaptation. Here we will discuss the correlation between prolonged exercise and increased production
of oxidants in skeletal muscles, i.e. superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase. It has been also
observed, that reactive oxygen species stimulate the mitochondrial biogenesis cascade in response to endurance
training, ie. chronic muscle contractions. We can reach the conclusion that exercise causes oxidative stress by
increasing the amount of free radicals and decreasing the level of antioxidant enzymes in many tissues and organs.
Summarizing, we can affirm that different intensities and forms of exercise result in different amounts of reactive
oxygen tosues production. It is true that exercise-induced reactive antigen species can be very useful in stimulating
signaling pathways for antioxidant enzyme activity (SOD, GPx and CAT), mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1α
expression) and glucose metabolism and absorption (insulin sensitivity , GLUT4 expression).


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How to Cite

Spirkoska Vangelovska, B., Dejanova, B., & Spirkoska Mangarovska, A. (2023). CORRELATION BETWEEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM AND THE OXIDATIVE STRESS IN SPORTISTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(3), 297–301. Retrieved from