
  • Denitsa Trancheva Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Bulgaria


clinical laboratory, clinical laboratory research, laboratory medicine, laboratory results, challenges


Medical science undergoes continuous development and improvement over the years - both the diagnosis
and treatment of various diseases are changing, as well as the transition from the general solution for the treatment
of the sick to the individual approach, which includes different ways tailored to the needs of each patient according
to his needs. In this regard, the clinical laboratory as a medical specialty undergoes continuous development - new
technologies are introduced, the spectrum of clinical-laboratory research is expanded, preserving the traditions of the
founders of laboratory medicine. In modern medical practice, great importance is attached to laboratory tests, the
results of which provide an objective assessment of the state of the body. The methods of laboratory diagnostics are
used to confirm the clinical diagnosis, to specify the causes of the diseases, to characterize the severity of their
course, to make a prognosis and to choose the appropriate etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.The
relevance and significance of the topic is determined by the fact that, on a global scale, the concept of laboratory
medicine is used and considered as an integral part of the treatment of the patient. Without the data from the clinical
and laboratory results, it is impossible to make the most accurate diagnosis, control the disease process and apply
effective drug therapy. This gives reason to consider laboratory diagnostics as an irrevocable and significant part of
all medico-biological disciplines. The aim of this article is to study and analyze the changes in the development of
the clinical laboratory worldwide from the distant past to the present day, creation and development of the discipline
in Bulgaria, as well as to reveal the opportunities and challenges faced by modern laboratory medicine. Materials
and methods: The research includes a study of documents and sources regarding the development of laboratory
medicine as a specialty, the challenges it faces and the prospects for its development. Methods of analysis and
theoretical reasoning were used based on the available scientific literature. Conclusions: Based on the overview, it
is proven that laboratory medicine around the world and the clinical laboratory in Bulgaria are constantly developing
and improving, preserving the traditions created by the founders and leading to the creation of new highly qualified
specialists, worthy successors of the doyens in the discipline that is entering in a new era of its development -
introduction of innovative precision equipment, standardization, continuous communication between the clinician
and the laboratory doctor, between the laboratory result and the correct and timely clinical decision.


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How to Cite

Trancheva, D. (2023). LABORATORY MEDICINE-HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY ASPECTS. CHALLENGES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(3), 323–328. Retrieved from