
  • Melek Nuredini Bureau of Education Development, Ministry of Education and Science of North Macedonia


Ottoman period, women poets, characteristics of classical Turkish literature, poetry


In the general development of Turkish literature, he perceives a specific phenomenon that is characterized by the appropriation of the theoretical and aesthetic essences of Islamic culture. The influence of Arabic and Persian literature, which in every aspect strongly and constantly influenced and shaped Turkish literature, can be seen over a long period of time, from the end of the 13th century, when the first literary works began to appear, until the second half of 19th century. It is a literary tradition that lasted for 6 centuries in a language that essentially did not undergo major changes, although it largely contained Arabic and Persian words. Turkish literature is also enriched by the works of several women poets, who occupy a prominent place in this tradition. This is particularly significant, because it is truly brave for a woman, who writes poetry in a social structure such as Islam, where a woman is condemned for any intimacy and expression of feelings, where a woman is condemned for attracting attention, to write and to create about her feelings, problems and her thoughts. In the social occasions of that time, due to this
way of approaching women, women poets in classical Turkish literature, where men are dominant, enter later, that is, they are a step behind men. The number of poets who, despite all the prejudices, gossip and humiliation, showed success in poetry is very small, and in the sources they are mentioned with praise.The classical Turkish literature has a significant number of women poets, even though it looks like a literature tradition that is composed only of the writings of men poets and authors. Our main aim in this study is not just to present the list of all women poets of the classical literature and their individual presentation. Our aim is, starting from their common characteristics, in the frames of the classical Turkish literature, in general to process there: conditions, works, education, associations, newspapers, writings, interests and satisfactions, as well as their issues and problems, and then add the panorama of the woman poet in this literature tradition. With the analyzes of the classical Turkish literature from the aspect of form, we have noticed that it is composed by all the characteristics of the classical Turkish poetry. As the result of the style process, we have a demonstration of expertise in using the poetry language by the poets. When analyzing the crucial characteristics we notice the wide imaginary world of the poets narrated, as well as their life stories reflected into poetry.


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How to Cite

Nuredini, M. (2023). WOMEN POETS IN THE OTTOMAN PERIOD. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(4), 373–377. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5935