
  • Stefan Stefanov “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


sports training, mental properties, latent analysis, female basketball players


Through the latent analysis, the factors determining one or another process are discovered, the structure
of the investigated complex phenomenon, which in the experiment is a result sign, is revealed and penetrated deeper.
The purpose of the study is to discover the latent matrix and identify the primary factors of sports preparation and
some mental properties in 15-16-year-old female basketball players after an applied model of basketball practice.
The tasks to achieve the goal are the following:
1. To establish the degree of the main indicators of sports preparation and some mental properties in the studied
2. To determine the primary factors in sports training and some mental properties of 15-16-year-old female
basketball players.
The object of the study is the sports training and some mental properties of 15-16-year-old female basketball
The subject of the experiment is the influence of the basketball training model on 15-16-year-old female basketball
The subjects of the research are 15-16-year-old female basketball players, the same amount – 15 in each group. The
experimental group includes 15 basketball players from BC "Rositsa", Pavlikeni, who work according to a
developed basketball training model, three times a week. The control group consists of 15 girls from "Bacho Kiro"
Secondary School, Pavlikeni, who practice basketball, also three times a week.
In conclusion:
1. At the start of the study, the latent matrix of the experimental group consisted of five factors, and that of the
control group of seven. At the end of the experiment, the factors of the experimental group were rearranged to six,
and those of the control group were increased to eight.
2. Targeted basketball instruction in the experimental group results in a greater accumulated percentage of explained
variance than in the control group.
3. In the first place in the experimental group is the technical factor, which is mainly relied on in the experimental
model of training.
4. The "Anthropometric" factor and the "Explosive power of the lower limbs" factor are found to be the second and
third most important factors in the present study.


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How to Cite

Stefanov, S. (2023). LATENT ANALYSIS OF SPORTS TRAINING AND SOME MENTAL PROPERTIES IN 15-16-YEAR-OLD BASKETBALL PLAYERS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(4), 407–415. Retrieved from