
  • Goran Mihajlovski Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia


planning regions, economic development, economy


The formation of planned development regions in Macedonia is of great importance because the model of their concept contributes to accelerated economic development in the borders where they gravitate especially at the local level, but also beyond their borders in the direction of increased intensity of cross-border cooperation. It is especially important that through the statistical processing of data and their analysis, to arrive at an answer which region is developing in which direction in terms of socio-economic and demographic indicators . So, 1.East, 2.Southeast, 3.Vardar, 4.Skopje, 5.Pelagonia, 6.Southwest, 7.Northeast, and 8.Pological region are the eight non-administrative planning regions that were formed according to the NTES model (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) in Macedonia, which is harmonized according to the concept of the European regulation. According to the concept of the configuration of the planned development regions, the Pelagonian region is the largest by area, and while the Skopje planning region is the smallest, the rest of the planned development regions are characterized by the fact that the entire population of these regions lives in villages. Namely, each of these planning regions is characterized by certain particularities, that is, each region has its own specificity of survival and development within the framework where it was formed. What is important for the development of these planning regions is that their economic development plays an important role in the development and improvement of the quality of life of the people living in these places.This is so, because the improvement of the standard of living will reduce the need for demographic movement of the population from less economically developed regions to more economically developed regions. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the interest of development investments by increasing the impact of local economic development in each planning region separately. In fact, this paper will give an answer through a statistical analysis of the concept of which region and with what intensity is developing economically, while taking into account all the mutual planning regional differences that these regions have. Based on that, the conclusions that would emerge from this paper would move in the direction of what needs to be done in the future to overcome or balance the economic development differences between these regions in order to achieve in all these planned Macedonian regions full regional-local economic development.


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How to Cite

Mihajlovski, G. (2023). THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ON PLANNING REGIONS IN MACEDONIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(1), 29–33. Retrieved from