
  • Vladimir Kostić Academy of Applied Technical and Preschool Studies Vranje Department, Serbia


information technologies, cloud services, automation, accounting and financial analysis


In this paper, the authors address the issue of finding optimal solutions for modern companies to use information technology in accounting and analysis. A classification of information technology was made in relation to its use and different scope of work. Information dating from 2021 about the most popular programs used to improve accounting and analytical processes in companies of various sizes has been updated. The aim of the work is to discover the available information technologies for the needs of small, medium and large companies operating in modern conditions. In his paper, the author uses the methods of systematization, comparison, and statistical analysis. An analysis of the research results on the frequency of Internet search queries related to the use of information and, in this context, technologies made it possible to determine the most popular software products worldwide. The paper pointed out the problem of using accounting and analysis software. The authors found that accounting software contains functions such as input, processing and output. Accountants can scan paper documents and process files electronically. Companies communicate with each other and exchange documents faster and easier. Electronic business has contributed to reducing the number of errors during data entry. Computers, servers, the Internet, wireless and personal digital devices have forever changed the way of life for both ordinary people and business in companies. Traditional business and production suddenly became crucially improved thanks to software packages. Accounting itself has seen tremendous progress due to the growth of information technology. Accounting software automates the work that used to be done with the burden of paper and paper books. Software packages contain a whole range of specialized functions, but also a generic program that adapts to the moment of business. Depending on their size, companies choose accounting programs the complexity of which will depend on the operation and the number of users accessing the system. Companies have resource planning systems. Accounting services have thrived because information technology has enabled them to do their jobs faster and more efficiently. Thanks to information technologies, management has easier access to information technologies. The time required for presentations is reduced. Computerized accounting systems made it possible to monitor and record financial transactions. All statements of a financial nature are translated into computer systems that can quickly and efficiently present individual transactions and then them into financial reports. The functionality of calculations and financial reports has been increased. Graphing software is much faster and more accurate in creating graphs as representations of financial statements. Documents are easier to update, images to process and store, thus reducing the costs.


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How to Cite

Kostić, V. (2023). SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES IN ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS IN MODERN COMPANIES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(1), 63–67. Retrieved from

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