
  • Lyuben Vitanov Sofia University ―St. Kliment Ohridski , Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Katerina Dinkova Sofia University ―St. Kliment Ohridski , Sofia, Bulgaria


Information and communication technologies in the education of Technology and entrepreneurship, information research, creating projects, reflection


Information and communication technologies are increasingly entering people's lives and indicating a significant influence in all its aspects - both personally and professionally. Therefore, their introduction into education was an expected and natural process, as they are an important condition for increasing the effectiveness of both learning and teaching.
For this reason, a great number and variety of digital resources are increasing and being offered, especially in the primary school. This also applies in particular to the Technology and Entrepreneurship education.
Since the variety and appearance of different information and communication resources develop a positive and natural interest from young students, they actively participate in the development of the mentioned by J. Dewey children's impulses impulse to create, impulse to explore and experiment, expressive impulse for self expression and social impulse.
Together, these impulses form desire, provide motivation and stimulate curiosity in children to discover, explore and learn about the world of science and technology in an enjoyable and non stressful way for them.
Almost all Technology and Entrepreneurship lessons can include digital resources to help children learn, practice and participate more confidently and actively in the lessons of this subject. Traditional lessons can include short videos, photos with directions and stages of work, as well as various tests, quizzes, etc. with questions to introduce the topic. They can be, for example, text, voice or mixed.
For older primary school students, it is possible to do preliminary research on the Internet on specialized children's sites to find additional information for the lesson, work on projects on a given topic, as well as discover interesting facts.
Good pedagogical practices increasingly make use of the presentation of such investigations on a variety of topics and problems by students to the whole class. They can be presented individually or in groups, with each child contributing in a specific way with a drawing, idea, photos, presentation or demonstration in front of the class. Thus, learning becomes more effective and arouses the interest of the child's brain and consciousness.
The work with QR codes is also particularly impressive, because students only need to scan with their smartphone and get quick access to some information.
Projects can be created in the form of posters, boards, pages, magazines. For their implementation, children can exchange ideas, share them through social networks and reach a solution to the problem together.
Reflection is also extremely important, because there every student can evaluate his work, review and correct his mistakes, as well as improve his learning and perception of the learning material. It is good for the reflection to be done by some kind of expert, who can be a teacher, parent or student from a higher class. It is also useful and motivating to keep a student portfolio in which each child can save their work and later track and correct their mistakes.


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How to Cite

Vitanov, L., & Dinkova, K. (2023). USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TECHNOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLASSES IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(2), 287–292. Retrieved from