
  • Despina Sivevska Faculty of Educational Sciences, Goce Delchev University Stip, N. Macedonia
  • Jadranka Jadranka Faculty of Educational Sciences, Goce Delchev University Stip, N. Macedonia


organizational culture, preschools, principal, leadership style


The intense and rapid changes that take place in our daily living and acting are inevitably reflected in the sphere of education. That is why it is important to develop a culture with which every educational institution will be ready to respond to changes and will be able to adapt to the demands of the market at the same time. In that direction are the thoughts of numerous authors who consider that the climate and culture of an organization are one of the prerequisites for successfully leading and realizing the learning process.
There is no unique organizational culture that exists in every educational institution. The way and content of work, the personality of the director and his management style, the atmosphere that exists in the collective, the type of established interpersonal relationships, are part of the factors that influence and determine the very culture of the respective preschool institution. For every organization it is important to have clearly set values that will be relied upon by the members of the organization and will serve as a direction in the performance of their daily activities. The existence of a positive and stimulating organizational culture in the preschool institution is the basis for promoting a quality educational process.
In the paper, we try to point out the importance of the existence of a quality organizational culture in preschool institutions, with reference to the role of the director, who, in the role of leader and manager, with his leadership style, should create an environment in which will be a balance between employees in making decisions and implementing decisions, an environment in which every employee will feel accepted and satisfied and successfully will cope with the challenges of his daily work


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How to Cite

Sivevska, D., & Jadranka, J. (2023). ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND CLIMATE IN THE PRE-SCHOOL INSTITUTION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(2), 293–300. Retrieved from