
  • Denitsa Trancheva Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Bulgaria


biomarkers, myocardial ischemia, clinical laboratory, clinical-laboratory diagnostics, cardiovascular diseases


Cardiovascular diseases are socially significant diseases that cause a very high mortality rate worldwide. They cause the death of 8-9 million people worldwide every year. In Bulgaria, about 60% of mortality is due to ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. Our country is in one of the leading places in Europe in terms of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases. In fact, they take more lives than many other leading causes of death combined.The significance of the topic is determined by the fact that cardiac diseases are the most common cause of death and disability of the affected population in industrialized countries. This determines their social significance. In this regard, medicine and the clinical laboratory as a modern medical specialty are constantly being improved - new modern technologies are being introduced, the spectrum of clinical and laboratory research is expanding, which enable clinicians to make an accurate diagnosis, risk stratification and prevention in patients with myocardial ischemia, making quick and effective medical decisions. This gives reason to consider laboratory diagnostics as an irrevocable and significant part of all medical disciplines. The aim of the article is to study and analyze the new biomarkers for proving myocardial ischemia, their role in the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic behavior in patients with acute coronary syndrome, as well as their presentation as reliable modern cardiac biomarkers in clinical-laboratory diagnostics in cardiac- vascular diseases. The study includes a survey of documents and sources regarding the application of modern biomarkers for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia as biomarkers with high sensitivity and diagnostic specificity. Methods of analysis and theoretical reasoning were used based on the available scientific literature. Based on the review, it is proven that modern cardiac markers play an essential role in the prevention, treatment and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases. Examining the serum levels of biomarkers is closely related to the degree of myocardial ischemia, and the combination of several indicators of myocardial damage can improve the efficiency in making an accurate diagnosis and making the most accurate decisions about the health of patients, taking appropriate therapeutic measures to improve of their prognosis and quality of life. The full potential of these indicators has yet to be fully explored, which is also the reason for the scientific research interest in them.


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How to Cite

Trancheva, D. (2023). NEW BIOMARKERS FOR PROOF OF MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA- CURRENT ASPECTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(4), 479–483. Retrieved from