
  • Maria Nedkova UMНAT-AD, Burgas, Bulgaria


osteoporosis, risk patients, fracture risk, screening, disability


With an aging population, osteoporosis in men is increasing as a public health problem. One seventh of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures and one quarter of hip fractures are known to result from osteoporosis in men. It is expected by 2050. the incidence of hip fractures worldwide to increase by 310% in men. The underestimation of the problem by medical professionals reflects in delayed diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis of osteoporosis in men continues to be a challenge for healthcare professionals, given poor patient referral and lack of screening strategies for at-risk patients. The processed data showed that, regardless of age, all patients with associated risk factors had low bone mineral density with a high fracture risk and a high ten-year fracture risk. This is due to the lack of screening strategies in the target groups of patients and is associated with delayed initiation of anti-resorptive or bone-building therapy that improves bone density, bone microarchitecture and prevents disability. In this context, attention is focused on awareness measures and early diagnosis in patients at risk of fracture. With a view to screening, knowledge of the risk factors for low bone density and those for fractures is key, which would prevent severe disability and mortality. Given the availability of effective therapies for prevention and treatment, awareness is critical to the prevention of morbidity and mortality as a consequence of fractures.

Author Biography

Maria Nedkova, UMНAT-AD, Burgas, Bulgaria

Department of Rheumatology


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How to Cite

Nedkova, M. (2023). OSTEOPOROSIS IN MEN - A DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE AND SCREENING STRATEGIES IN AT-RISK PATIENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(4), 499–502. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6019