
  • Maria Becheva Medical College - Medical University- Plovdiv-Bulgaria
  • Rosica Toncheva Medical College - Medical University- Plovdiv-Bulgaria
  • Mariya Bozhkova Medical College - Medical University- Plovdiv-Bulgaria
  • Nina Belcheva Medical College - Medical University- Plovdiv-Bulgaria
  • Tsveta Krasteva Medical College - Medical University- Plovdiv-Bulgaria


kinesitherapy, diet, obesity


Obesity (obesitas) is a disease state resulting from a disturbed balance between energy intake through food and energy expenditure of the individual. The cause of obesity is most often a combination of excessive dietary energy intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic predisposition, endocrine disorders, medications, or psychiatric illness. For patients with obesity and good general condition, it is appropriate to apply a daily kinesitherapeutic program including morning hygienic gymnastics, kinesitherapeutic methodology lasting 30 minutes, dosed walking, sports - swimming, cycling and occupational therapy. The goal of kinesitherapy is to reduce body weight, while reducing available fat in fat depots and preventing complications. The use of kinesitherapy in obese adults is effective when combined with a long-term hypocaloric diet. This diet includes meals of high-quality pure proteins, avoiding the use of salt, consuming vegetables with a diuretic effect. Eating should be frequent and regular, at certain intervals throughout the day (for about 3 hours) and intake of approximately 2.5 liters of water per day. Taking the necessary amount of water every day prevents fluid retention. If the body does not receive enough water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to stock up on fluids. Success in the fight against obesity consists of two interrelated components that are adapted to each adult strictly individually, gradually and systematically. Achieving the goals in the treatment and prevention of obesity requires a team and multidisciplinary approach


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How to Cite

Becheva, M., Toncheva, R., Bozhkova, M., Belcheva, N., & Krasteva, T. (2023). KINESITHERAPY AND NUTRITION IN PEOPLE WITH OBESITY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(4), 503–506. Retrieved from

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