
  • Anushka Dimitrova Faculty of Public Health „Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov, PhD” Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria


thermal burns, children, risk factors, lesions


Injuries and burns are common in all societies and can often lead to physical and psychological effects on the body. Childhood burnout is a complex disease with varying degrees of severity, which requires good knowledge of the anatomy of the child's organism and the leading pathophysiological mechanism of the disease. The epidemiological characteristics of burns in individual countries are diverse and depend on many factors. The aim of this article is to analyse the risk factors and possible lesions of thermal burns on the child's body. Thermal burns are divided into flame burns, hot liquid burns and contact burns. The most common are hot liquid burns, followed by contact burns, which are often small in area but deep, affecting the underlying skin structures. In flame burns, the lesions often affect functional areas and lead to direct and indirect thermal damage to the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism. Different anatomical structures, metabolic processes, homeostatic factors and the degree of physiological maturation are characteristics of the child's organism that influence the severity of the trauma, the treatment and the passage through all phases of the disease. The treatment of physical and emotional changes as a result of the experienced trauma is complex and is carried out by a multidisciplinary team, together with parents and teachers, depending on the age characteristics of the child.


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How to Cite

Dimitrova, A. (2023). FACTORS DETERMINING THE SEVERITY OF THERMAL BURNS IN CHILDHOOD. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(4), 597–601. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6037