
  • Majlinda Peza – Perriu University Of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”Albania
  • Florenca Stafa University Of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”Albania


Albanian affair, independence London Ambassadors Conference, Paris Peace Conference, European Concert


Through this paper we intend to reflect objectively the complexity of the factors that conditioned and determined the political future of Albanians and the new Albanian state that would emerge from the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans at the beginning of the XX-th century. Addressing the path that followed the state-forming process of Albanians for a period of nearly 10 years, and more specifically in the period 1912-1922, we mostly focused on the analysis of European diplomacy decision at the Ambassador's London Conference in 1912 and at the Peace Conference, Paris 1919. Did the Albanians lose or win at the London Conference? Were the Albanians Punished or Rewarded at the Peace Conference? Were Albanians treated as "Orphans of Europe", in addition to the other orphan people of Europe who lost themselves from World War I? Did Albanians feel the support of International Diplomacy in these conferences? These are some of the questions that we will answer in this scientific paper through the examination of a rich contemporary literature. We have been able to reflect to these problems through a research work based on new historical sources, through the formulation of the new theses we have mostly dealt with in the comparative context, countering the approaches and official theses of the first communist Albanian historiography 90-s.


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How to Cite

Peza – Perriu, M., & Stafa, F. (2023). THE ALBANIAN ISSUE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF EUROPEAN DIPLOMACY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XX-th CENTURY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(5), 705–709. Retrieved from