
  • Miroslava Petkova “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


motivational climate, adolescent female basketball players, mastery, performance


Studies of stimulation in the field of sports and physical activity are particularly relevant because it is considered a condition for achieving success. A large number of studies in the field of sports psychology try to explain the influence of different motivational attitudes on sports performance. Much of the current research is based on goal orientation theory. The motivation to participate in sports includes different goals, motivations for engaging in sports and aspiration in the respective directions.
The essence of the current development is to discover the qualities of the motivational climate in adolescent basketball players.
In the current development, the following tasks are performed:
1. To investigate the peculiarities of the motivational climate in adolescent basketball players.
2. To analyze the arithmetic mean values, the interrelationships of the studied variables and to reveal and identify the factors in the specific group of the studied.
The research contingent is 14 female basketball players aged 13–14 years.
Three statistical methods were used: variation, correlation and factor analysis.
The methodological toolkit includes: Questionnaire for studying the perceived motivational climate - 2 (Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire - 2 (PMCSQ - 2)).
In the present study, the leading motivational climate among teenage basketball players, according to the factor analysis, is "Punishment and competition", included in the ego. It generally concerns issues related to the emotional reactions of the coach and his attitude towards players when mistakes are made and issues related to interpersonal relationships in the team, as well as the stimulation of competition between players to find a place in the team. In second place is the "Skills" element, which includes questions related to the importance of the contribution and the importance that each player has for the ultimate success, cooperation in the learning process and effort in training and playing, and skill improvement . The third place is taken by the "Favouritism" component, which refers to the unfair favoring of some of the contestants in the team and neglecting another part of them.
1. After the variation analysis, the leading component of the perceived motivational climate for mastery and performance is established, the improvement of skills by adolescent basketball players.
2. A moderate relationship was observed in the mastery-oriented motivational climate between role significance and cooperative learning. A positive interrelationship was formed between both motivational climates, including the components of role significance and rivalry. A significant interdependence was also found in the motivational climate of performance, between punishment for mistakes and rivalry.
3. When rotating the varimax factor matrix, the following three factors were identified that describe adolescent basketball players - "Punishment and competition", "Skills" and "Favouritism".
4. The obtained results of the study on the perceived motivational climate have a valuable usable value. They are a useful guide for managers regarding the formation of a favorable motivational environment that is related to the most appropriate sports progress.


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How to Cite

Petkova, M. (2023). RESEARCH OF THE MOTIVATION CLIMATE IN TEENAGE BASKETBALL PLAYERS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(5), 715–720. Retrieved from