
  • Theranda Beqiri University ”Haxhi Zeka”, Peja, Kosovo
  • Valentina Murati University ”Haxhi Zeka”, Peja, Kosovo



Job Creation, Labor Market, Employment, ICT Skills, Youth


The main purpose of this paper is to identify new job creation in Europe and analyzes different findings from literature sources about trends that are currently more active.
With work, we can refer to an activity that is carried out by one or more people voluntarily to achieve payment. And by work trend, we refer to that type of work which has gained a greater expansion and is being worked on more in the European market, not every time it is meant that that work is paid more but that it is simply being demanded more by companies, businesses, institutions private or public.
The methodology used for this paper is a literature review of the latest research and data about job creation in Europe. The labor market in Europe recently started to change a lot, especially during and after the pandemic, thus enabling great growth in the technology sector. Considering that new technologies are constantly coming into this stream, new opportunities are also being made possible. But not always with good results, as Al technology is predicted to replace thousands of workforces in the future. The strongest growth of jobs is predicted in professional, scientific, and services technical, as well as in human health and social work, while the biggest drop can happen in production. Technology has and will continue to create new jobs, recently we can often see calls for training for web developer, application developers, media managers, influencers, etc.
Therefore, from this research review, we concluded that the main driver of job creation in Europe has been the service sector, which accounts for almost 80% of total employment in the EU. In recent years, the demand for highly skilled workers has increased, mainly due to the increased demand for ICT and other technology related skills. Additionally, the digitization of manufacturing has led to a demand for workers with technological skills in the manufacturing sector. From all mentioned above it would be highly recommended that the European labor market be more careful about the future steps and invest in the right paths for better development in the future, such as pieces of training, education, diversity, and also on the latest technology trends.


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How to Cite

Beqiri, T., & Murati, V. (2023). TRENDS IN JOB CREATION IN EUROPE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(1), 149–154.