
  • Flamur Miftari UNIBIT – Sofia, Bulgaria



TV message, TV-spot, communication, marketing, advertisement


To be heard by your target customer and consumer, your message and your campaigns must be clear, coherent, empathetic and impactful. Deliver a calibrated speech about the buyer persona and eliminate obstacles as well as comprehension bias... This is the challenge you will be able to meet by preparing your marketing message. This preparation is, in fact, essential to set up an effective campaign and thus increase sales. As its name suggests, the marketing message encompasses the company's communication elements about its identity and the value it brings. The consumer is the economic entity (natural or legal person) who chooses, uses and consumes a service or goods and thus proceeds to their partial or complete consumption. This consumption is considered to be: "final", when the use of the consumed good corresponds to private personal use (drinking a glass of wine, watching a show, driving...); "intermediate", when the consumed good or service contributes to the creation of another good or service (a craftsman uses a car to travel to a client...). To construct an effective television message, it is necessary to take into account the particularity of this medium: the small size of the TV screen and the distance between the viewer and the image, spots often limited to 30 seconds, creative packages and signature restrictions, and a consumer who is often poorly engaged and pays little attention to messages, which you need to know how to interest them, surprise and seduce to convince.


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How to Cite

Miftari, F. (2023). MARKETING CONSTRUCTION OF THE TELEVISION MESSAGE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(1), 161–164.