
  • Bedri Millaku University Hadzi Zeka, Peja, Kosovo



Kosovo, Rugova, Tourism, Management, Quality of life, Hospitality


The territory of Rugova is part of Kosovo, which includes the western part of Kosovo. This territory consists of 13 settlements, which in the physiognomy of the landscape make up the mountainous parts that are quite attractive for visitors. In addition to the areas that attract visitors, a significant number of accommodation facilities and restaurants have been built in this area for guests visiting the area. Rugova has developed mountain tourism with all its activities because the attractive nature of the area makes this form of tourism developed. Likewise, winter and sports tourism take an important place, especially in the winter season, where the snow lasts for more than six months of the year, which is a rare phenomenon for the development of tourism. For this reason, the residents of Rugova have really turned this place into a tourist destination for visitors from all over the world. But on the other hand, they have also improved the quality of their lives. Tourism is always growing and developing in this tourist region of Kosovo. Tourists visit this place staying for days, both in summer tourism and in winter tourism. Visits are made to touristic places, where tourists also stay in family households together with local residents. Indeed, Rugova has many tourist attractions that are available for tourists. The paper presents some of the elements that have influenced and will influence the development of tourism for the future in this tourist. The development of tourism in this area presents a special report. The natural conditions and social factors are what make tourism an important economic activity for the development of this area. The tourist destination in File is visited by tourists throughout the year, many of them stay for whole days in this place. The importance of the area is also increased by the value of the National Park, which has been declared and affects the development of tourism in this area. The mountainous part itself has great potential values with all forms of relief which present real tourist attractions for visitors. In some parts, investments have been made to improve the tourist infrastructure, which provides a good basis for the development of tourism. The local population lives in the area and they welcome the guests who stay for days visiting the tourist sites of the area. The area itself has influenced the economic development of the country, which every day is changing its shape towards improvement. The large number of tourists who visit this tourist destination is the best indicator for the development perspective of tourism in this tourist area. The local residents use different products that serve tourists, such as traditional foods that are used in this area. Part of the agricultural and livestock products are used for the development of tourism in this tourist destination. Based on these indicators, the tourist destination in question presents suitable conditions for the development of the tourist product. The development of many forms of tourism such as; mountain, walking in nature, climbing, parachuting, staying during the weekend with family, all are conditions that have made this country a tourist destination for visitors. This shows the tourism development perspective of the area by using the tourist potentials which are used for the development of tourism and actually create a tourist destination.


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How to Cite

Millaku, B. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY IN RUGOVA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(1), 165–169.