
  • Aleksandar Ruzin Skopje, North Macedonia




Lobbying, European Union, methodologie, Definition, Forum of lobbyimg


The basic stuff, that is, the basic texture of lobbying is aimed at the procedure of making the public decision by the public authorities. Interest groups, or pressure groups, that is, lobby groups (GROSSMAN Emiliano-Les groupes d'interet, Paris: Armand Colin 2006) when they act against public authorities, they hope to obtain the most favorable positions in relation to the public decision of the decision-makers. For this purpose, they devise their own strategy and regroup tactically. It was through such maneuvers that lobbying came to life. Similar to the practice when an administrative text can change the activities of enterprises and other entities, a large number of individuals, especially in business circles, strive to be constantly informed about the tendencies of the legislator. They will try to anticipate, predict and foresee them, because their profits and interests may depend on the favorable or unfavorable legal provisions and decisions. Therefore, even during the institutional procedure, they will try to be heard, felt, carefully analyzed and followed up so that the influence on the content of the decision can be designed in time.


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La Toupie, a French electronic dictionary, - https://www.toupie.org/Dictionnaire/Lobby.htm

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Quentin, J.P. (2020). lobbying is "An instrument of strategic communication " Jean-Pierre QUENTIN www.algoric.eu > Bibliographie




How to Cite

Ruzin, A. (2023). LESSONS AND STRATEGIES OF ECONOMIC LOBBYING IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(1), 227–231. https://doi.org/10.35120/kij5801227r