
  • Rumyana Dimitrova Minkova Trakia University - Stara Zagora Bulgaria


civic education, project activities, children, kindergarten, social sciences


The article examines the essence of civic identity, its structure in preschool age and the formation of this quality through the method of project activities. One of the main characteristics of the new paradigm of contemporary education is a transition from the educational concept of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for activities under normal conditions to the concept of developing personalities in education, structuring systems for continuous formation of creative thinking and development of creative activity of preschool children. In the conditions of project activity, not only social skills are developed, but also such personal traits as responsibility, independence, partnership are developed. The project unites children, they acquire teamwork skills, ability to focus on team goals, take responsibility for the overall result. Project activity is an effective tool for developing motivation for cooperation. The main goal of the project method in preschool institutions is the development of a free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of the development and the tasks of the research activity of the children. The child can feel like an explorer.
Introducing children to project activities provides a unique opportunity to gain knowledge about the natural, material and spiritual wealth of society in an interesting practical work.
A great potential for organizing pedagogical interaction in the process of civic education is the formation of civic consciousness with the help of the project method, which is creative, developing, interesting for the participants, because includes a set of research, searching, problem-solving methods and allows to get a specific result in a certain period of time. The goal of the project method in the kindergarten is the development of a free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the research activity of the children. On prakitka, it allows us to apply the principles of dialogism, joint cooperation, creativity.


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How to Cite

Dimitrova Minkova, R. (2023). FORMATION OF CIVIC EDUCATION THROUGH THE METHOD OF PROJECT ACTIVITY IN KINDERGARDEN. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(2), 293–297. Retrieved from