
  • Elvedina Hodžić Pediatric clinic, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Healt Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Indira Poplata Pediatric clinic, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Healt Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Nedim Begić Pediatric clinic, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ljiljana Stijepović Special Hospital "Vaso Ćukvić, Risan, Risan, Montenegro


diabetes mellitus type 1, education, children, pediatrics, parents


Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic disease with multiple causes, characterized primarily by constantly elevated blood sugar levels and disorders of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. The goal of education is to teach the child to be informed as much as possible. The family should also be educated as a support team. With proper education and care, diabetes mellitus can be managed throughout an individual's life. Initial education is important for establishing successful diabetes self-regulation, long-term glycemic control, and complication-free survival. Objective: To show the importance of educating parents of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Methods and subjects: The study was conducted with children diagnosed with Type 1 DM, who are hospitalized in the Department of Endocrinology and children diagnosed with Type 1 DM, and who regularly come for check-ups at the Endocrinology Counseling Center. The research is descriptive on a representative sample.
Research results: Through the obtained results we confirm that the education of children with type 1 DM and their parents is important and significant.


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Diabetes Mellitus Nursing Care Plans, (pristupljeno: 02.05.2021.godine), 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023




How to Cite

Hodžić, E., Poplata, I., Begić, N., & Stijepović, L. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION OF PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH NEWLY DISCOVERED DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 1. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(4), 561–565. Retrieved from