
  • Yoanna Vasileva Tzvetanova SWU “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


palliative care, social work student training, palliative care competency


The quality of the preparation of social work students and rethinking of their professional roles in the context of activities integrated in the context of the dimensions of palliative care as an opportunity for their professional realization is essential for their formation as professionals - social workers.
The purpose of this publication is to operationalize identified competencies for planning, organizing and implementing palliative care of the students from the "Social Activities" specialty, 4th year from the Neophyt Rilski State University, Blagoevgrad in the conditions of their studies in the discipline " Palliative care", included in the curriculum of the major "Social Activities".
The main principles, approaches and methods of research are the "traditional" ones for scientific work in the modern world. Analysis of scientific literature, with the aim of clarifying basic terms and concepts in the field of the system and the competence approach. The chronological approach, in a certain sense, also has a methodological significance for the present study, as it provides an insight into the sequence of the investigated phenomena.
Basic components of the palliative care competence of the students are formed in the process of training in the Palliative care discipline. Based on the analysis, the main determinants for designing, organizing and implementing training within the framework of university education for the full formation of basic competence for palliative care have been identified.


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How to Cite

Vasileva Tzvetanova, Y. (2023). FORMATION OF COMPETENCE FOR PALLIATIVE CARE IN THE TRAINING OF SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 59(1), 107–111. Retrieved from