
  • Nazlije Latifaj South East European University, North Macedonia
  • Arafat Shabani South East European University, North Macedonia


formative assessment, feedback, students, elementary school, teachers


In some parts of the world, formative assessment and the use of feedback have been implemented early on, leading to more effective learning outcomes for students. Students receive timely and continuous information about their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the need for improvement in their activities and tasks. Feedback is a highly important strategy in teaching and learning, especially in elementary education for grades 1 5. Initially, feedback establishes a respectful communication relationship between students and teachers. Through proper communication, teachers serve as models and motivators for students to freely express their thoughts and ideas. Creating a positive classroom atmosphere indicates a productive and quality learning process. Teachers act as motivators and role models to foster collaboration, learning, and the development of students' learning abilities and skills. During the teaching process, effective communication and the way ideas are transmitted between teachers and students are crucial. Thus, teachers play a pivotal role in encouraging students to share their thoughts, questions, ideas, and observations through feedback, fostering an open dialogue to better understand and meet their needs. In Kosovo, the education system underwent reforms with the introduction of the pre university education curriculum, which led to changes and enrichment of processes and components to enhance the quality and suitability for students. In this context, formative assessment or assessment for learning was promoted as continuous evaluation for student learning. This type of assessment has its methods and strategies to be implemented in the classroom, and therefore, this study focused on feedback strategies and their impact on student learning. This research involves the collection and analysis of data gathered from the control and experimental groups. The control group comprises students who do not receive formative assessment from their teachers, while the experimental group includes students who receive formative assessment with the intervention of feedback strategies during instruction. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role and significance of feedback in the teaching and learning process of elementary students in grades 1 5. The findings of this research have shown that formative assessment is one of the best assessments as perceived by students, and the types of strategies involved in this assessment yield continuous and better results for students. We examined only one form of formative assessment, feedback, as an effective and beneficial strategy for students, teachers, and overall teaching activity. This type of assessment belongs to the 21st century and is driven by various factors geared towards progress.


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How to Cite

Latifaj, N., & Shabani, A. (2023). THE IMPACT OF FEEDBACK STRATEGY ON FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS IN GRADES 1-5. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 59(2), 163–167. Retrieved from