
  • Angelina Kirkova-Bogdanova Medical University Plovdiv, Bulgaria


peer assessment, students, midwives


Peer assessment is a modern approach to assessing students’ achievements, in which students themselves participate in organizing and conducting assessment activities. They do this informally anyway, albeit without grading discussing their work in class, discussing homework. A natural result is the formalization of this activity and its placement in the context of the educational process. Peer assessment and the learning that emerges from it fit within the constructivist model of learning. Peer assessment has a positive effect on learning by allowing students not only to deepen their understanding of the material, but also to develop transversal skills such as forming judgments, giving and receiving constructive feedback and self reflection. Peer assessment should not be seen as an easy, burden reducing procedure, but requires significant work by the instructor to prepare students to ensure a rewarding and positive experience. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a pilot study of midwifery students' opinions about their participation in a peer assessment procedure for presentation skills. A pilot cross
sectional survey of the opinion of students, speciality "Midwife" from Medical University Plovdiv, was made. The survey was conducted in May 2023 with 19 students. Data were summarized and presented descriptively using MSExcel. The results show that the respondents give a positive assessment of their participation in the activity and believe that it develops their skills of a higher order. According to the students, peer assessment should be more widely applied in education at the Medical University Plovdiv.


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How to Cite

Kirkova-Bogdanova, A. (2023). PILOT COLLEGIATE ASSESSMENT OF PRESENTATION SKILLS IN STUDENTS SPECIALTY "MIDWIFE", MU-PLOVDIV. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(2), 337–341. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6272

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