
  • Bojana Nikolić Academy of Applied Technical and Prescholl Teacher Studies Nis, Serbia
  • Emilija Popović Academy of Applied Technical and Prescholl Teacher Studies Nis, Serbia
  • Jelena Veljković Mekić Academy of Applied Technical and Prescholl Teacher Studies Nis, Serbia
  • Dragana Dragutinović Academy of Applied Technical and Prescholl Teacher Studies Nis, Serbia


child, fine arts, music, literature


The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of the presence of art and artwork in the educational practice of preschool children. The paper highlights and explains the importance of learning through art at an early age, taking into account the recent history of pedagogical thought on the subject (Movement for education through art, teaching of Reggio Emija), as well as contemporary research and trends in the field of education.
As an example of good practice, the paper presents an experimental educational program of art workshops for the youngest. The workshops were conducted by experts in the fields of fine and musical arts, and literature. Carefully selected contents from the history of art (architecture, music, fine arts, literature) were presented to the children in a methodologically adequate way. The workshops were accompanied by musical works from all eras with which the children were introduced, performed on instruments typical of that time. By monitoring the children's reactions and analyzing their creative responses (drawings, objects, paintings, works of applied art), it was concluded that the children gave adequate responses to the offered content, that they managed to build a certain aesthetic attitude towards the displayed content and give their creative response.
In addition to the presence of artists in the kindergarten, we emphasize the necessity of permanent education of educators in the field of art, cooperation of kindergartens with institutions that deal with the education of educators, as well as cooperation with cultural institutions at the local and national level (galleries, museums, libraries, concerts).


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How to Cite

Nikolić, B., Popović, E., Veljković Mekić, J., & Dragutinović, D. (2023). THE ROLE OF ART IN THE EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(5), 775–780. Retrieved from

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