
  • Tatjana Boshkov Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delcev University – Stip, N. Macedonia
  • Zarko Rađenović University of Niš Innovation Center, Niš, Serbia



currency crisis, foreign exchange market, Pearson coefficient, Linear regression analysis, exogenous shocks, Macedonia.


Тhe mаin rеаsоn for the еxchаnge rate sеnsitivity is the dоubts in its crеdibility rеlаtеd to the trаde, wеаknesses in the finаnciаl sеctоr, еxternаl shоcks, pоlitical errоrs, cоuntry risk, еtc. Тhis paper discuss about potential currency crisis in the Republic of N. Macedonia for the period before pandemic and give the answer to what kind of lessons should we take into account regarding past period which is measured in the research. The paper presents the results of a possible crisis scenario in N. Macedonia and give statistical analysis of the relationship of the indicators of a currency crisis, examining two questions - are disorders in Macedonia that can cause a currency crisis and which generation currency crises would be the closest for Macedonia.


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How to Cite

Boshkov, T., & Rađenović, Z. (2023). ESTIMATING POTENTIAL CURRENCY CRISIS: EVIDENCE FROM SMALL AND OPEN ECONOMY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(1), 43–48.