education, digitalization, marketing, consumer behavior, consumers, higher educationAbstract
We all live in specific times. We are changing as consumers, producers and society as a whole. We specifically learn many things, both about ourselves and about the environment around us.
Under the influence of digitalisation, we have become different both as people and as consumers. Higher education has also changed and is beginning to meet the challenges of the external environment. The implemented innovative approaches will provide excellent competencies, which are aimed at digitalization of the curricula and real achievement of sustainable development within the 21st century Education.
Digitization has a significant impact on the volume, speed and variety of data that is important for marketing decision-making. Marketing training, which is highly subject to digital changes, is emerging as a significant challenge. The results of this training are also important for companies that work in the digital economy, because marketing specialists should rethink their behavior for processing this data and transforming it into real actions to improve marketing results. As a result, the demand for data skills has grown significantly, mainly due to the lack of skills in modern marketing, which is driven by analytics, digital marketing and marketing technologies.
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