
  • Valentina Staneva Todor Kableshkov University of Transport – Sofia, Bulgaria


specific decisions, tax regulation, hidden profit distribution, financial result, financial discipline, tax control


The present study examines current problems related to the application of digitalization and artificial intelligence in the accounting and auditing of enterprises from the non-financial sector. The advantages of using new technologies in terms of accurate processing of accounting data, performing certain activities during the initial processing of financial information, classification, summarization, presentation, and control for reliability of the financial and property status of the enterprise are indisputable.
Expectations arise for the future replacement of the accounting profession by artificial intelligence. This circumstance also determines the relevance of research on the use of artificial intelligence in accounting and auditing. In the business practice of enterprises, there are possible cases in which to solve individual cases that require the making of specific management decisions. Their solution is related to the economic conditions, the accumulated experience, knowledge, and competence of the management regarding their application, taking into account the requirements of the accounting and auditing regulations. Emphasis is also placed on their synchronization with tax legislation.
Distinguishing the specifics of accounting and auditing cases is a daunting task for artificial intelligence programmers who must distinguish the usual tax regulation from non-traditional management decisions without violate established good practices.
The topic of digitization and artificial intelligence in accounting and auditing is relevant for the current and near future economic conditions, as it relates to the changing understanding of the accounting and auditing professions, where automation supports the processes of receipt and entry of accounting information into the registers, but leaves room for expression in the field of enterprise management, through the conducted accounting policy and the use of specific accounting decisions, confirmed in the subsequent audit procedures. Expressing audit security using the latest digital technologies offers a real opportunity to attract a new generation of young professionals to the accounting and auditing professions.
The purpose of the present study is to highlight some possibilities for the application of digitization and artificial intelligence in accounting and auditing, considering the practical application of specific accounting solutions in compliance with the requirements of accounting and tax regulations.


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How to Cite

Staneva, V. (2023). DIGITIZATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING OF ENTERPRISES FROM THE NON-FINANCIAL SECTOR. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(1), 89–94. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6388

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