Interpersonal relationships, conflicts, communication, tolerance, compromiseAbstract
The challenges that students face and should be specifically addressed are interpersonal relations (establishing social relationships, respecting behavioral norms, developing communication skills, the need for attention, coping with social pressure, dealing with peer violence, and conflict resolution) and the interpersonal context (identity crisis, self-image, self-confidence, low self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, adaptation to the school environment, anxiety, depressive states, self-acceptance, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, various forms of risky behavior). Conflicts are an inevitable part of our daily lives. They are an integral part of relationships among students, even among those who mean a lot to each other. Students tend to view conflicts solely as something very bad, negative, something to be avoided. However, the outcome of a conflict and whether it necessarily worsens relationships among students depends on how we approach their resolution. Resolving conflicts (seeking compromise) is a skill that can be learned, thereby raising the threshold of tolerance in everyday interpersonal relationships within the classroom. The primary school undertakes activities to improve the well-being of students and advance in accordance with the learning outcomes and assessment standards prescribed in the curriculum. Despite this, a certain number of students, for various reasons, manifest behavior during the school year that is not in line with the code of conduct. The school regularly monitors the learning, progress, behavior, and attendance of all students. This contributes to providing a stimulating and safe environment for their progress and well-being. Timely intervention in working with students can yield appropriate results before behavioral problems escalate. Therefore, efforts are made in schools to establish a system to prevent inappropriate behavior among students and to establish regular communication. This approach enables timely resolution of certain problems that students face. It is necessary to improve our skills and abilities in this area, to become sensitive to cultural differences, and able to overcome cultural differences in communication and conflict resolution, to become sensitive to possible communication barriers and able to reformulate conflicts. Frequent conflicts among students are the cause of addressing interpersonal relationships among students. Therefore, conflict and conflict resolution, as well as awareness of conflicts present in everyday school life, are aspects to which the teacher should constantly return.
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