non-standardness, independent work, Montessori environment, elementary stageAbstract
Maria Montessori developed her pedagogical model for the free, democratic and independent education of children more than a hundred years ago. Nowadays, the schools applying her model, are considered as different and non-standard because of:
-The non-traditional organization of the environment, which represents a special educational space created by the teacher (that is known in the specialized literature as a “Montessori environment”);
-The different position and role of the Montessori teacher, whose main task is to support the child’s self-development and reveal his unique potential;
-The unusual organization of the learning process.
The question that arises is “whether the non-standard Montessori schools stimulate the non-standardness of the elementary school-age students, who are educated and brought up there”. In this study the non-standardness is considered as their personal characteristic which is manifested in the intellectual-creative and behavioral sphere and is essential for their well-being and successful realization in the modern dynamic world.
The article aims to present variety of pedagogical views on independent work, the concept of the independent work in the elementary Montessori school and to explore the potential of the independent work in a Montessori environment for stimulating students’ creative performances, the independent seeking for new, different and non-routine solutions.
The research is carried out through the theoretical analysis and review of specialized literature.
The thesis is presented that the outlined specific characteristics of independent work in a Montessori environment are preconditions for stimulating non-standard elementary school students’ expressions.
The results of the study are used as a basis for developing a model for empirical studies and their practical implementation in traditional schools and schools where the Montessori method is applied.
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