nonstandardness, creative techniques, methodological modelAbstract
Today, as if more than ever, in the spirit of new pedagogical paradigms, there is a need to focus attention on thinking as a process. To consider the attitude of the way of thinking as an opportunity to influence the intellectual potential and as a means of its deployment. Being smart doesn't necessarily mean being able to think "well". People of high intelligence must be able to put it into practice, not only by solving identified challenges, but also by learning to look for alternatives to their proposed solutions. There is convincing evidence in favor of the claim that creative thinking is an important part of solving problem situations, generating new ideas. It is not inherited, but can be successfully developed. In modern pedagogical approaches, the aspiration to develop competent and successful individuals implies the need to apply new pedagogical strategies for the formation of knowledge, skills and attitudes, part of which is non-standard thinking. It should be a targeted focus of pedagogical impacts and a stimulus for educational reforms. According to N. Kaloyanova, "since educational practice requires systematic planning on the part of the teacher, one of the leading problems in modern education is how the teacher can organize a dynamic educational environment, while at the same time adhering to the established principles and norms in pedagogy and all this subordinated of the global goal - effective intellectual and personal development of a scientist (Kaloyanova, N., 2023:96-101).
2. Methodology: the article presents a methodological model with creative techniques. Its purpose is to assist in the process of stimulating non-standardization in children of primary school age.
3. Results of the research: It is assumed that, applied, the methodology will support activities to stimulate children's creativity and non-standard thinking.
4. Conclusion and recommendations: The proposed methodological model seeks to influence the way in which children develop their thinking skills by creating an opportunity for creative expression. Experimenting with creative techniques can be of particular benefit in the pedagogical process with children of primary school age. The sense of freedom and satisfaction from unforced experimentation in the creative process supports learning by creating conditions for better receptivity of the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes on the part of the students.
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