musical education, giftedness, teacher, identification of the giftedAbstract
The paper discusses the role of teachers in the identification and support of musically gifted students. The goal is to point out the role of teachers in the identification and support of musically gifted students, but also the importance of timely discovery of musically gifted students for the development of musical abilities. Musical giftedness is the earliest of all giftednesses. The role of the teachers in the identification of musically gifted students is great and of great importance for the further advancement and development of musical abilities. It is the teacher's responsibility, but a great challenge, to design and implement more complex musical activities that encourage and direct the development of musically gifted students. In this regard, the teacher should encourage students to engage in music ‒ sing more complex songs, listen to quality musical works, play children's musical instruments, but also refer them to activities within children's musical creativity. Methodical instructions for the realization of certain musical activities are given in the paper.
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