
  • Dragana Velickovska University “ Goce Delcev “ Shtip, N. Macedonia
  • Strahil Gazepov University “ Goce Delcev “ Shtip, N. Macedonia
  • Biljana Gjorgieva University “ Goce Delcev “ Shtip, N. Macedonia
  • Doruntina Selimi Ademi University ”Goce Delcev”, Stip, N. Macedonia
  • Jovanka Ristova PZU “OKULUS A“, Shtip, N.Macedonia
  • Sanja Shopova University ”Goce Delcev”, Stip, N. Macedonia


dermoid cyst, diagnosis, treatment


Dermoid cyst is a benign congenital life-choristoma. This group consists of histologically normal cells arising in an abnormal location and represents childhood's most common orbital attack. These cysts affect about 3-9% of orbital examinations in children. the formation takes place in embryonic development and equally affects both sexes. A Dermoid cyst can contain structures of skin, sweat and sebaceous glands, fat cells, and fibers, then structures of bone growth, cartilage, teeth, and others. These cysts can develop in any part of the body and in any organ, but they are most often found on the face, head, head, eyes, and eyelids. There are two types of dermoid cysts: orbital and epi-bulbar dermoid cysts. Epi-bulbar dermoid cysts are divided into posterior epi-bulbar dermoid and limbal dermoid. Depending on whether they grow outside or inside the orbit, we distinguish exophytic dermoid cysts that grow externally and are detected early in childhood, and entophytic cysts that grow internally and are detected later in youth or adulthood. External superficial orbital cysts are usually asymptomatic, while, in contrast, internal deep orbital dermoid cysts can cause exophthalmos, ptosis, strabismus, and diplopia.
Dermoid cysts can be unilateral or bilateral and are most commonly located in the regions of the bulbar conjunctiva, limbus, cornea, and caruncle.
The diagnosis is established on the basis of a well-taken history and clinical examination, with inspection the surface orbital desmoids cyst is revealed.
Additional tests such as X-rays, computed tomography, CT, and magnetic resonance imaging are done to see the exact size and depth of the cyst. Magnetic resonance gives a clear image of the shape, size, and depth of the cyst. and is usually used in the diagnosis of internal dermoid cysts.
The treatment will depend on the clinical picture and size of the dermoid cyst. In the majority of cases, treatment is not required. A regular ophthalmological examination is performed in order to check the sight of children and the possible occurrence of astigmatism. If astigmatism is present in the child, glasses are prescribed to correct it and obtain clear vision in the child and thus prevention of amblyopia. If the dermoid cyst is large and impairs vision, surgical treatment is recommended.
The primary goal of surgical excision is to remove the dermoid cyst in its entirety, thereby reducing the possibility of its recurrence.


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How to Cite

Velickovska, D., Gazepov, S., Gjorgieva, B., Selimi Ademi, D., Ristova, J., & Shopova, S. (2023). DERMOID CYST. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(4), 651–655. Retrieved from

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