
  • Svetlana Radeva MU Varna, Department of health care, Specialized hospital of obstetrics Varna, Bulgaria


abortion on medical grounds, mental care, stress, obstetric care, communication


A medical abortion is a procedure in which a pregnancy is terminated for medical reasons that affect the health of the woman or the health of the baby. This type of abortion can cause significant psychological aspects and emotional reactions both in the woman herself and in her relatives. In the following lines, we will look at some of the key psychological aspects related to abortion on medical grounds.
Emotional reactions and stress: women who undergo an abortion on medical grounds often experience strong emotional reactions and stress. This can include more or less mood, anxiety, depression, and feelings of loss. It is important to provide support and psychological help to the woman during and after the procedure.
Material and methods: conducted own survey for the period January 2021 July 2023 of 37 patients who passed the medical termination of pregnancy committee.
Results and discussion: 89.2% of those who applied for termination of pregnancy received a positive opinion from the Commission. Patients with higher education had better outpatient follow up (χ2=12.662, p=0.002). 83.84% of the women who went through the commission were in need of psychological support. After good preparation and clarification of each step and assistance from the patients with the greatest effectiveness is the three fold administration of the drug regimen between 6 12th hour (χ2=74,000, р=0,000) and the gestation period of 12 20 g.w (χ2=38,858, р=0,025), and single Drug Administration during pregnancy 8 13 g.w. (χ2=30.537, р=0.006) and effect up to the 6th hour (χ2=8.133, р=0.004).
Conclusion: in conclusion, abortion on medical grounds is a complex and emotional process for women. Psychological support and care are essential to help women cope with the emotional aspects and consequences of their decision. It is also important to ensure awareness and the right of women to make their own decisions about their health and life.Timely medical care is important for the proper course of medical and diagnostic activities, as the role of medical personnel in the healing structures includes communication techniques and building trust between them and the patient, when conducting an abortion procedure on medical indications.


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How to Cite

Radeva, S. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE ABORTION ON MEDICAL GROUNDS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(4), 777–781. Retrieved from

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