
  • Monika Obreykova Prof. d-r Assen Zlatarov University - Burgas, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Zlatka Dimitrova Prof. d-r Assen Zlatarov University - Burgas, Republic of Bulgaria


health promotion, healthy aging, activities


The global demographic shift towards an aging population presents an urgent need to evaluate and understand the efficacy of health promotion activities targeting older adults. This article reviews existing programs and evidence regarding the impact of health promotion initiatives on the well-being of older adults. This comprehensive review seeks to synthesize and critically evaluate existing literature on the efficacy of health promotion initiatives targeting the well-being of older adults. By adopting a systematic approach, this review aims to identify patterns, commonalities, and successful practices across different interventions, offering insights into the multifaceted nature of health promotion for older populations.
Health promotion activities for older adults encompass a diverse range of interventions, including physical fitness programs, balanced nutrition, mental health support, and preventive care. This review assesses the effectiveness of these activities in various areas. The review considers the significance of community partnerships, policy frameworks, and interdisciplinary approaches in creating sustainable and inclusive health promotion initiatives that cater to the diverse needs of older populations. Furthermore, the review delves into the role of social engagement, community involvement, and the creation of age-friendly environments in fostering holistic health among older populations.
The review also highlights gaps in current research, identifies areas that require further study, and offers recommendations for future research. It highlights the need for more comprehensive and long-term research to measure the sustained impact of health promotion activities on older adults.
In conclusion, this review consolidates current knowledge on health promotion activities for older adults, shedding light on their overall effectiveness in improving the well-being and quality of life of this demographic group. It serves as a valuable resource for health professionals, researchers, and policymakers seeking to improve the health and vitality of older adults.


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How to Cite

Obreykova, M., & Dimitrova, Z. (2023). A REVIEW OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HEALTH PROMOTION ACTIVITIES AMONG OLDER PEOPLE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(4), 839–843. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6499