
  • Danka Jovev SOU High School "Slavcho Stojmenski" – Shtip, North Macedonia


scientific development, scientific problems, scientific discoveries, hypotheses, scientific method


Scientific development begins with scientific discovery. This is a statement that all scientists will agree with. But before a discovery can be made, that is, before a hypothesis can be formulated, there must be a problem or question to be solved. Problems are the main reason for setting up a given hypothesis that can further lead to a scientific discovery. These problems arise when reality does not conform to existing theories or explanations or when there is a desire or need to investigate certain phenomena in more detail. Also, other types of problems can be ascertained that precede the discoveries, that is, the formulation of hypotheses and that encourage scientists to look for new hypotheses or explanations. Some of the problems that cause scientists to look for new solutions and set new hypotheses that lead to discoveries are: anomalies or inconsistencies in the data; knowledge gaps; contradictions or inconsistencies in existing theories; new technologies and inventions or new discoveries in other areas, etc. The thesis that will be argued in the paper is that the emergence of problems precedes the formulation of hypotheses and this is a fundamental principle in the scientific method. In general, hypothesis formulation is often preceded by a process of problem identification, in which scientists identify areas of knowledge that require further investigation or that raise new questions or problems. The emergence of problems or questions is the starting point for scientific research, and the formulation of hypotheses is a subsequent step in the process. Without problems or questions there would be no need for scientific inquiry, and without hypotheses there would be no way to systematically test and refine our understanding of the world. That is why many thinkers analyse problems because they are essential to the understanding of scientific development. By recognizing and solving problems in scientific research, scientists can refine their theories and advance their understanding of the natural world.


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How to Cite

Jovev, D. (2023). THE PROBLEMS AND THE SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(5), 1025–1030. Retrieved from