
  • Diana Dimitrova Petrova University of National and World Economy - Sofia, Bulgaria


multinational companies, accounting, accounting information, accounting system


The key role of multinational companies in today's dynamic processes of globalization of the world economy is undeniable. In the modern world they are the major mover of international transfers of goods, services, capital, technology and human resources, and of the convergence between the economies of individual countries. As the key actors of the modern world economic system, these companies develop large-scale integrated production systems and achieve efficient allocation and use of resources in the global space. Their global strategies have the significance of major factors determining investment, trade and technology flows and geographic location for the development of diverse economic activities globally. The main goal of the author in the development of the article is to derive a model of multinational companies from the position of accounting based on the examination of their economic essence, characteristic features, their role and importance in the modern world economy. To realize this goal, several specific tasks are defined: - to argue the role and importance of multinational companies in forming the structure and functioning of the modern world economy; - to clarify the economic nature of the multinational company and to highlight its characteristic features; - to present basic theories about the stages and trends in the development of multinational companies; - to present a model of the multinational company for its characterization from the point of view of accounting, consistent with its specific economic essence and its inherent distinctive characteristics; - to systematize the key accounting aspects of multinational companies and the main problem areas in the creation of accounting information for their activities. In order to achieve depth in the study of accounting issues, the article applies an interdisciplinary approach. Through it, an integrated use of knowledge from different scientific fields is ensured and theoretical statements from the field of accounting science are considered in combination with theoretical knowledge from other scientific fields, including international economics, international economic relations, international management and international marketing. The historical approach and the systematic approach, as well as the methods of observation, comparative analysis, induction and deduction, are also used in carrying out the research. In order to successfully develop their diverse activities in modern conditions, multinational companies must have a well-founded, flexible management strategy for long-term development and have the ability to adapt to diverse economic, political and social conditions and regulatory regimes in different countries.


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How to Cite

Dimitrova Petrova, D. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES FROM THE POSITION OF ACCOUNTING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 62(1), 57–63. Retrieved from

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