
  • Tatjana Dugošija Western Serbia Academy of Applied Studies, Serbia


artificial intelligence, English language teaching, tools, benefits, challenges


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the capacity to facilitate and enhance various aspects of human existence such as transportation, healthcare, entertainment, and education. In recent years, AI-powered language learning tools have gained significant attention due to their potential to revolutionize language teaching and learning. The integration of AI in English Language Teaching (ELT) presents a promising yet complex area, containing both advantages and challenges. The benefits encompass a wide range of advantages, including personalized learning experience, adaptive curriculum, and enhanced engagement through interactive AI applications. AI-powered tools offer personalized content delivery, adapting to individual learning styles and pacing, and thereby fostering more efficient and effective learning outcomes. Moreover, these tools often incorporate natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, enabling immersive language practice, automated feedback, and real-time assessment, which significantly improve the learning process. Notwithstanding these advantages, certain ethical issues arise, primarily those concerning the privacy of users’ data and algorithm bias. Additionally, an overreliance on AI tools might diminish human interaction, affecting social and communicative aspects of language learning. Furthermore, the accessibility and affordability of such technology remain unequal, posing limitations for learners with restricted access to digital resources. This paper explores the multifaceted nature of AI’s role in ELT, delving into the benefits it offers as well as potential challenges arising from AI implementation. It emphasizes the importance of an approach that would, on the one hand, effectively use the advantages of AI, and on the other hand, minimize its downsides in order to maximize its potential in enhancing English language learning experience.


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How to Cite

Dugošija, T. (2024). BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 62(2), 275–280. Retrieved from