
  • Simona Nikolova South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


social media, self-esteem, adolescents, addiction


The modern generation is growing up in a period of quickly increasing communication and information technology, allowing them to communicate with anybody, at any time, because they are accustomed to interacting and conversing in a constantly connected world via social media (Tulgan, 2013). The current ease of communication is enabled by the presence of cell phones and computers connected to the internet. The spread and the emergence of social networking sites have changed how people interact and communicate in modern life. In today's society, the Internet is an omnipresent force that has not only revolutionized the way information is accessed and disseminated, but has also changed the dynamics of human relationships and social interactions. This transformation is particularly profound among the younger population, where the Internet and SNS have become an integral part of everyday life. The present study investigated the relationship of different variables related to Internet use in an adolescent Greek population. These variables include demographics such as age, religion, and citizenship, as well as online-related ones such as hours spent on social networking sites, preferences for online platforms—with an emphasis on Instagram and Facebook—as well as psychometric indices such as self-esteem. The measure used was the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. A total of n = 85 participants were included in the study; 39 were male, while 46 were female. The mean age was 15.129 (SD= 1.334). The results show that of the participants are addicted to the internet and actually prefer Instagram more than Facebook. Most participants (n=22) reported using SNS for 3-4 hours per day. Instagram was the platform of choice for 55 of participants, while the other 30 showed preference. Many speculated factors such as gender and religion did not show a significant influence on the risk of Internet addiction. Finally, the results show that as people spend more time online, there is a greater chance of addiction and lower self-esteem. In conclusion, the new era of communication is full of challenges and all the community-based stakeholders should be vigilant and work together in order to protect our most vulnerable youth.


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How to Cite

Nikolova, S. (2024). SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AND SELF-ESTEEM IN YOUNG ADOLESCENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 63(5), 669–673. Retrieved from