
  • Oliver Cackov Faculty of Educational Sciences, Goce Delcev University, Stip, RN Macedonia
  • Verica Josimovska Faculty of Educational Sciences, Goce Delcev University, Stip, RN Macedonia


Stip, road network, railway, traffic


The paper describes the development of traffic in Stip from 1918 to 1944 as an exclusively important business branch with all its promises and current affairs that will play a major social and economic role in the lives of citizens in this area. The favorable geographical location of the city of Stip played a significant role in its historical development. The space between Vardar and Struma and Skopje and Thessaloniki crossed important business and strategic roads that allowed Stip to develop as an important business and cultural center. At different times, there was different road infrastructure and various vehicles conditional on the need for closer communication and trade connections. The construction of a road network in the late 19th century was particularly intense, new roads were built, and the old ones expanded and groomed. For Stip, of particular importance is the Serski Road that connects Skopje and Thessaloniki. The city had a number of warehouses and lodging for the night that were open to merchants and caravans that passed and stayed in the city. Throughout the region, there was only a military telephone line and a postal telegraph station in Stip. However, with the construction of the Vardar Railway, Stip was on the sidelines of the main roads, so connecting the city to the railway would be with phaetons, carriages, certainly with harness. After World War I, within the Kingdom of SCS, Stip would relive the traffic connection to the construction of the Veles-Stip-Kocani railway. Road traffic during this period began to gain a more organized form and service activity of the population in Stip and its surroundings. The city also has the first qualified drivers to improve the taxi transport of passengers and goods by carс and truckс. Tip connects to the surrounding cities and to organized bus lines. During World War II, the Bulgarian government used this road infrastructure and traffic potential and had a plan to build and connect a railway line of newly conquered countries with Bulgaria. Her plans were that with a well-organized road traffic network, they would be able to exploit natural and other riches economically, and also facilitate the transport of passengers and goods. Such plans remained unrealized.


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How to Cite

Cackov, O., & Josimovska, V. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC IN STIP (1918–1944). KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(1), 167–172. Retrieved from