
  • Nevena Gruevska Faculty of technology and technical sciences, Veles, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Tatjana Kalevska Faculty of technology and technical sciences, Veles, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Tanja Stojanovska Faculty of technology and technical sciences, Veles, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Viktorija Stamatovska Faculty of technology and technical sciences, Veles, Republic of North Macedonia


traditional sausages, active acidity, water activity, heat treatment sensory analysis


The traditional homemade sausage is a meat product with high nutritional and energy value, whose quality and safety for use depend on the quality of the raw materials from which it is produced, the method of storage and transportation, as well as the authenticity of its preparation. The traditional home-made sausage is one of the most frequently produced and frequently requested traditional meat products in our country, which, depending on the method, technology and region of production, has its own unique characteristics. The aim of this research is to establish certain characteristics of traditional homemade sausages produced in individual meat craft workshops. Sausages originating from 3 different regions of our country (Kicevo, Bitola and Veles regions) were used for the analysis. A total of 9 different samples were analyzed (3 samples from each region, made in a different production capacity) with 3 repetitions for each sample separately.The mass of one sample was 900 g. At the same time, active acidity (pH), water activity (aw), moisture %, mass loss after heat treatment (calo) as well as sensory analysis of the heat-treated domestic sausages were investigated. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the pH value ranges from 5.29 to 6.05, which coincides with the reference values for this group of meat products. The activity of water (aw ) ranges from 0.922 to 0.953, which represents a limit value at which there is still the possibility to develop some types of microorganisms, which is why the product is declared as a product with short-term use. A more pronounced variability was observed in the moisture expressed in %, which ranges between 33.56% and 45.43%. The mass loss after the heat treatment is from 10.60 to 33.53 %.Regarding the sensory analysis, all 9 samples are rated as high quality, and the mean score for the six investigated attributes (appearance, smell, taste, color, external appearance and consistency) ranges between 3.61 and 4.65.Sausages labeled KV1, KV2 and KV3, which are produced in the Veles region, have the best characteristics and are rated the highest in the sensory analysis, followed by KK1, KK2 and KK3 domestic sausages produced in the Kicevo region, and with the lowest values in terms of the examined parameters are domestic sausages sausages are KB1, KB2 and KB3 produced in the Bitola region. From the analysis of the obtained results, it is concluded that the tested homemade sausages fully meet the requirements for this type of meat products and are declared as a quality meat product.


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Правилник за квалитет на мелено месо и подготовки од месо (Сл. Весник на РМ. бр. 63/2013).




How to Cite

Gruevska, N., Kalevska, T., Stojanovska, T., & Stamatovska, V. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL SAUSAGES FROM DIFFERENT REGIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(3), 329–335. Retrieved from

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