social work, empowerment, older peopleAbstract
Old age is a natural stage of the human life cycle that is usually associated with a decline in physical and social functioning and can lead to deterioration in quality of life. The process of population aging and changing social relationships poses challenges to public systems, in particular the social system, to provide effective care and support for this part of the population in order to ensure a dignified and quality life.
The article presents the results of a research of scientific literature discussing the challenges facing the elderly, the essence, necessity and benefits of applying an empowering approach in the process of care and support. Individual medico-social aspects of aging and the factors that influence them are examined. The concept of successful aging is identified as an essential element of the framework for effective support of older people. The application of multidisciplinary, complexity, sensitivity to the needs of the individual, focusing on his strengths and individual characteristics, cultural competence and communication skills emerge as basic requirements for effective social work.
An empowerment approach is a goal and a fundamental principle. Its application in the process of supporting the elderly ensures quality and efficiency of care and achievement of its main goal - maintaining a good quality of life. Key elements of empowerment in social work are outlined, with the main focus being the implementation of an empowering approach in supporting older people, which places demands on the services provided and the creation of certain conditions. One major barrier to the approach is the old age paradigm and the view of the elderly as frail and dependent. Successful aging requires changing this outcome at different levels of societal organization: individual, family, community, helping professionals and organizations. Changing the perspective of professionals in the social sphere and their focus on the strengths of the elderly person will promote his active role in the process of care, his independence and the preservation of his sense of control over life, which reflect on the quality of life and well-being.
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