
  • Manya Maneva Trakya University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


qualification, teachers, professional-qualification degree


The article examines the qualification of teachers of mathematics in Bulgaria and their commitment to professional development, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement of pedagogical skills. Teacher qualification is a key factor in quality education, as well-prepared and competent teachers can stimulate the learning process and motivate their students. A high level of teacher competence is essential for student success and the overall quality of education. The research included 188 teachers who were questioned about their qualification level, participation in methodical trainings, financing of their participation in trainings and their confidence as teachers of the subject. The survey will try to reveal whether teachers' activity in methodical trainings depends on their experience as teachers of mathematics (e. g. whether teachers with more experience are most active in methodical trainings). The research will focus on establishing the relationship between teachers' experiences and their activity in the process of professional development. Another essential element of methodical trainings is their financing. This aspect is of utmost importance, as access to financial resources can significantly affect the ability of teachers to participate in further training and qualifications. The confidence of teachers of mathematics is another important aspect that will be addressed. Confidence is an important factor that can influence teaching style as well as a teacher's ability to motivate and inspire their students. Higher confidence is often associated with more effective classroom management and better pedagogical practices. The article will seek an answer to the question of whether there is a relationship between higher qualification degrees and higher teacher confidence. Improving qualifications is not only a matter of personal interest and efforts on the part of teachers, but also of systematic support and incentives on the part of educational institutions and state policy. The existence of appropriate support programs as well as training funding opportunities play a critical role in encouraging teachers to continue their professional development. This also includes the need for state and institutional policies to facilitate and support the continuing education of teachers, while providing access to resources and conditions for improving their competencies. In conclusion, the article highlights the need for an integrated approach to teacher professional development, which includes both personal efforts and institutional support, in order to achieve quality and effective mathematics education in Bulgaria.


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How to Cite

Maneva, M. (2024). FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CONTINUING QUALIFICATION OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS IN BULGARIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 65(2), 217–222. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6917