
  • Nikica Stoiceva Nikolova University Goce Delchev, Shtip, , North Macedonia


Lungs, dyspnea, computed tomography


Pleural effusions are common in clinical practice, accounting for approximately 3000 patients per million population each year. Pleural effusions develop when the rate of formation of pleural fluid exceeds that of its drainage. It should be noted that in any patient with dyspnea, the presence of a pleural effusion should be confirmed or ruled out, and the diagnosis is usually made on plain radiographs or ultrasonography. Determining the underlying cause of a pleural effusion is often challenging because a wide variety of local and systemic diseases can lead to the formation of a pleural effusion. Accurate diagnosis often requires detailed clinical data, appropriate radiological imaging, and laboratory analyzes of pleural fluid (and/or tissue).Aim: The purpose of this paper was to get acquainted with the medical condition of having pleural effusion, its etiology, epidemiology, treatment of this, condition, treatment and representation of this medical condition in the eastern region of R. North Macedonia in the past 5 years.Materials and methods: Several scientific research papers and statistical data from the region of Shtip Municipality were used for this medical condition.Conclusion: The pleural effusion nurse care plan plays a critical role in addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by patients associated with this medical condition. A pleural effusion, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, can lead to significant respiratory distress and discomfort. The care and treatment plan is designed to provide a structured and comprehensive approach to assessment, intervention and ongoing monitoring of the same pathological condition. The care and treatment plan is designed to provide a structured and comprehensive approach to assessment, intervention and ongoing monitoring of the same pathological condition. There are guidelines that offer doctors the opportunity to refresh their knowledge and improve comprehensive, standardized, quality care for patients with pleural effusion. Knowing the complexity of pleural effusion, healthcare professionals (doctors and nurses) use this approach to plan care and therapy in order to provide evidence-based care and support to patients with this pathological condition.


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How to Cite

Stoiceva Nikolova, N. (2024). TREATMENT AND CARE OF PATIENTS WITH PLEURAL EFFUSION, BEFORE AND AFTER THORACOTOMY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 65(4), 399–404. Retrieved from