
  • Aleksandra Hristova General Hospital - Kumanovo, North Macedonia


newborn, aplasio cutis congenita, medical oil treatment


Background: Aplasiо cutis congenita is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by absence of skin layer in a localized or wide spread area at birth. Aplasio cutis congenita is rare anomaly within the newborn population. The incidence is approximately 3 cases in 10000 births. Etiological factors include influence of genetic factors, teratogens, compromised vasculature to the skin, infection, neural tube defects and trauma. Case report: In August 2022 a male infant was born with membranous type of aplasiо cutis congenita in the parietal skin area above the large fontanel, round, diameter 10 cm without associated malformations on the rest of the body. The lesion of the head was treated with medical oil, three times a day. After one month the lesion of the scalp was better; the superficial veins partially were obliterated and during this period only one episode of bleeding was recorded. The bleeding was stopped with local compression. After three months the lesion was completely resolved and only very thin blood vessels were noticed. During this period the baby was in good condition and proper weight gain. After discharge of the hospital, heart and brain ultrasounds were performed and they were normal. Follow up consultations with a dermatologist and a geneticist recommended continuous observation of the skin lesion and the development of the baby in general. Conclusion: The treatment of our case demonstrated that beside the very wide spread lesion on the scalp, we prevented: further destruction of the epiderm, bleeding from the very thin and fragile superficial veins, infection and achieved obliteration of superficial veins. The medical oil that was used in this particular case (lesion with diameter more than 3 cm) comprised of: butyrum bovis, skin lipids, pyrus malus fruit extract, pentylene glycol, stellaroides longibracteata leaf extract, tocopheryl acetate, tocopherol. These components have preventing effect of skin inflammation, healing of damaged skin and preservation of skin integrity.


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How to Cite

Hristova, A. (2024). APLASIО CUTIS CONGENITA: CASE REPORT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 65(4), 421–424. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6943