
  • Stanislav Germanov University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria


changes, innovation, education, laws, life cycle, progress, high living standart


Evolution is an integral part of growth in an economic environment. The long time of relative comfort does not allow and does not require any change towards comfort in the views and paradigms of the economic subject. This view of change imposed by external conditions and the future consequences of growth and progress impose a new vision on the thought of innovative development. The author believes that growth, demand and innovation should be in a constant exponential cycle. A cycle that would allow the introduction and exploitation of multiple ideas and innovation introductions. In this case, Pareto's law would outline in terms of its importance that small part of the total, where the collective innovation force would give the most beneficial results.
If we follow the wording as closely and precisely as possible, it should be determined that approximately 20 out of 100, or 2 out of 10, or 1 out of 5, of all innovations should succeed, therefore an innovation environment should introduce and expose (present) enough innovative products whose final mass (to be called critical innovation mass) is sufficient for the production and presentation of a successful innovation. Entropy from previous success does not automatically follow future success. Teams suffering from complacency, resting on old laurels, not offering a follow
up set of innovations, overcoming the critical innovation mass until successful innovation adoption is reached, are pushed off the evolutionary table. Growth is not smooth and does not follow a set schedule. He is suddenly awakened by a bright, hitherto unconscious, innovative novelty, or something in his unconscious need for such. The paradigm of innovative progress presupposes a new inherently innovative mindset a mindset that, at least initially, would be dictated not by the need for such, but by the imposition of an innovative evolutionary future.
It should be established where the twenty successful innovative products of their kind will come from and where the remaining 80 unsuccessful ones will come from. The author expresses an opinion and belief that innovation policy, thinking, vision and in any way awakening interest in this kind of policy should be started from the earliest stage of children's education, from kindergartens themselves, go through preparatory class to secondary education , be taught in technical schools, schools with foreign language teaching and universities. It therefore becomes part of a creative new compulsory subject.


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How to Cite

Germanov, S. (2024). AN INNOVATIVE READING OF PARETO’s LAW FOR THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 66(1), 61–66. Retrieved from