
  • Wioletta Świeboda University of Economics and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała, Poland


health care sector, health care system, financing public sector, expenditure COVID-19


The health care system in different countries results from different history, conditions of economic
development, diversity in the area of state policy, geographical location and cultural conditions. Despite the
differences in the functioning of health care systems, there are four common elements, due to their functions and
area of operation: health care, disease prevention, health promotion and intersectoral cooperation for health. The
World Health Organization, hereinafter referred to as WHO, points out the occurrence of phenomena that involve
narrowing down the issues of health care systems to health care systems. Health care systems are undergoing
transformation in many areas, which may occur in parallel, resulting from the development of technology, medical
knowledge, greater access to population health information in the field of morbidity and changing health policy
priorities, new organizational methods and more complex financing mechanisms. Modern health care systems face
challenges related to, among others, an aging population, increasing demand for health services, increasing costs of
medical technologies, increasing social expectations and information asymmetry. These challenges occur in all
elements that make up the health care system, which are: human resources, delivery of health services, health
information systems, access to health services, methods of financing and leadership and management in this sector.
Financing health care is becoming more and more complex, representing a combination of public and private
spending in various areas and payment methods. In most countries in the world, health care is publicly financed.
This is related to its high costs, especially in the field of stationary treatment, and at the same time it is difficult
in the interest of the state, because the health of citizens reduces social costs and results in better efficiency for the
country's economy. S. Folland points out that comprehensive health insurance is covered from public funds provided
for this purpose by the government of a given country.
The article presents information concern the financing of the health care system in Poland and other selected
European countries. The aim of this article is to analyze data on the spending of public funds on public hospitals in
Poland and Europe.


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How to Cite

Świeboda, W. (2024). ORGANIZATION AND FINANCING OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AFTER THE COVID-19. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 66(4), 477–482. Retrieved from